A downloadable game for Windows

In a nutshell, this game consists in carrying an egg from point A to B without breaking it (hence the name "Don't Drop it!"). It consists of 3 levels, where through your own creativeness and ingenuity you have to figure out puzzles and avoid hazards, so that you can get the egg safelly to the end of the level. Keep in mind, the egg is fragile but it can be used in creative ways (probably more than I have anticipated), so don't be afraid to try whatever you think off, there isn't just one right way to reach the end :). I hope you have an egg-xcelent time playing the game!


Greeting, I am a newcomer to game developing seeing that not only is this the first time I am participating in a game jam, it is also the first I have ever developed a game. Despite my limited experience, and only having nine days, I put my blood sweat and tears (maybe just sweat and time, but this had more gravitas to it) and I created Don't Drop it!. I hope you can have as much fun playing the game as I did developing it!


DontDropItBuild.zip 37 MB
DontDropItBuildPatched.zip 37 MB


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I can not click the start button.